Hiiiiiiya! :) I am sorry this email is so late, but! My companion and I got the chance to go to the Provo temple this morning and it was fantastic :) I loved it! If you all haven't gone to the temple in a while, I urge you to go! :)
This week was a really really great one :) It started out on Tuesday- Hna Santos needed to renew her citizenship so we went to Salt Lake! It was really fun! We went with Elder Hamilton, one of the senior couple missionaries- It was just him and us riding in this huge passengar van-When Sister Caldwell told us that we are going just with him I was very confused haha :) so it was pretty funny and kinda weird just being my comp and I with another man. Haha. I am going to be weird when I get home! haha :) But it was a lot of fun! It was POURING and hailing. Very badly. We got there early so we got to go on a tour of the town in the van. We saw the SLC temple and the conference center, the old tabernacle and all the other neat things :) I took some pictures but they look funny because of all the rain. So that was a very fun morning.
Then next Hna Santos and I received our "Sprint to the End" letter from President McCune- otherwise known as "TRUNKY PAPERS"! lol eek! nooooooooooo time has to stop! I do have to tell you- it is very weird to think about how in 3 months I will not be a missionary. How did I ever live life in any other way?? lol So I will stop talking about that! As Hermana Cordova proudly says "Trunkiness never was happiness!!" haha :) So back to work!!
Joseph Smith Memorial Building
Then this lovely weekend, a sweet awesome hermano I taught in Saratoga Springs got baptized on Saturday!!!! Saratoga Springs is reallllly far from Santaquin, so I got to celebrate from afar :) It was the happiest news to hear that he wanted to follow the example of the Savior and be baptized!! Happy happy day!! :)
Then yesterday and Saturday were a crazy busy day with all the stake conference meetings we had! On Saturday we had the adult session and then on Sunday we had a 7am priesthood meeting, then regional broadcast at 10am with Elder Nelson and Elder Scott and then 4pm meeting in Span Fork with the Spanish missionaries and our leaders with Elder Leavitt of the 70 and President Farnsworth and a few lessons as well :) I LOVE busy busy days! They are the best. Time flies-but better yet, you are just so focused on serving the Lord and don't have time to think about yourself :)
Something I want to share from the conference yesterday was something from Elder Richard G. Scott's talk on prayer. I realized and learned that when we pray- more times than not we don't receive an answer on our knees but rather on our feet and doing the will of the Lord. Or when we are reading the scriptures or when we are quietly pondering the things of the Lord. I know this to be so so true! I love feeling the Spirit when I am pondering a question or when I am pondering about how I can improve. I just feel the Spirit so strongly and I feel so happy! I invite you to try it. If you are needing an answer, pray, and then later throughout the week ponder and read the scriptures. An answer always comes, but in the Lord's timing. When we think and ponder that same request after our initial prayer with Heavenly Father, He will see how much it really means to us and our dedication to discovering and waiting patiently for the answer :) Then we can see and feel the blessings of the Lord :)
I love you all! Keep being awesome. I hope you all have a great day and a blessed week!
Love, Hermana Derges :)
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